NASA Exploration Sciences Building

When NASA needed a new exploration sciences building, Senior Interior Designer with EwingCole Christina Casile was ready to design and build the new 200,000 sq ft space science center. The facility houses a variety of lab types including chemistry/wet labs, instrumentation and electronics labs, clean rooms, high-bay application space, computer rooms, and administrative support space for approximately 900 scientists and staff. The Labs are designed with an interlocking staff and service corridors to minimize disruption to research programs and maximize flexibility of reconfiguration. LEED-NC Gold Certification was achieved through sustainable design.


Interior design, budget & schedule development


As a Senior Interior Designer with EwingCole, Christina Casile was the lead interior designer for the new 200,000 sq ft space science center, housing a variety of lab types including chemistry/wet labs, instrumentation and electronics labs, clean rooms, high-bay application space, computer rooms, and administrative support space for approximately 900 scientists and staff. The Labs are designed with an interlocking staff and service corridors to minimize disruption to research programs and maximize flexibility of reconfiguration. LEED-NC Gold Certification was achieved through sustainable design.


Interior design, budget & schedule development